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College Rules

College Rules

  1. The Academic session of the college is from 1st June to 31st May and the classes will commence after it is notified by the principal.
  2. ADMISSION:- Admission to +3 Stream is open on the basis of marks obtained in +2 exam
  3. ADDRESS:- Each student must register his/her permanent & Local address in the college. Any subsequent change must be intimated to the office.
  4. IDENTITY CARD:- Students are advised to keep always their Identity card with them which will entitle them to avail of all the privileges of the college students. The Identity cards will have to be produced on demand.
  5. FEES:- Fees must be paid in the college counter on dates to be notified for collection. Defaulters will have to be pay fine along with the fees on the last working day of the month. Names of the Defaulters will be struck off from the college rolls and re-admission will be allowed with genuine cause only on principal payment of fine, after approval of the. Principal
  6. Any fine imposed on the students will be realized along with the tution fees.
  7. Exemption from default fine or re-admision fee can not be claimed by students. It is solely rests on the discretion of the principal.


Cycles must be padlocked and kept in the cycle stand. Students parking cycles elsewhere inside the college shall be punished.


  1. A student of the college must lead a disciplined life and also abide by the principles which would be laid down by the principal.
  2. Student must come with Dress Code and maintain pin drop silence near the college office, staff common room, library and also in the class rooms. They can not enter into the principal’s office and staff common room without prior permission .
  3. Student must be in the class room before the lecturer enters the class and be attentive.
  4. Students are for bidden to loiter on the college verandah when the classes are going on. They may utilize the reading room or in their respective common room.

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